Adult women in Saudi Arabia have the right to live alone without approval of male guardian. Saudi Arabia has also given women the freedom to live alone by making a new law. That is, now if the women of Saudi Arabia want to live alone, then they will not need to take permission from anyone. This decision of the Saudi Arabia government is considered to be historic.
Saudi Arabia ने नया कानून बनाते हुए Women को अकेले रहने की आजादी भी दे दी है. यानि, अब अगर Saudi Arabia की Women अकेले रहना चाहें, तो उन्हें किसी से भी इजाजत लेने की जरूरत नहीं होगी. Saudi Arabia सरकार का ये फैसला ऐतिहासिक माना जा रहा है.
#SaudiArabia #Women